10 Questions With BENEDICT KWAN
(SEPT 13 2020)
Welcome to “10 Questions With”, a weekly segment on APP's website showcasing aviation spotters & enthusiasts based in Singapore. The concept and motivation behind this project is to bring the community together, and to shine a light on all the different spotters here on our sunny island, raising awareness of our hobby in Singapore and to provide a chance for all spotters to be seen both locally & internationally.
Today, let's chat with Singaporean spotter Benedict Kwan, another fresh face to the spotting scene having just started in plane spotting not so ago.

1: A quick self intro, name, where are you from, and what do you do?
Hello, my name is Benedict and I am currently studying in Secondary School as a Secondary 1 student. Aviation photography is my passion but I also do landscape and street photography.
2: What sparked your interest in aviation?
When I was introduced to plane spotting by some of my friends, I was quite surprised and interested as to what they were photographing. As I had just started taking on a new hobby (photography), I was not really sure how my pictures would turn out. Some of the shots were great and I kept them. Without me knowing, within a few months I would start plane spotting regularly, and eventually start a new Instagram page just for aviation!

3: YouR Favourite Airline ....
Definitely Singapore Airlines. Having flown them for most of my trips, I can agree that this
airlines really does represent what Singapore is.
4: & AIRCRAFT is....?
I have to say the 777-300ER, one of the best built planes in my opinion!
5: Best spotting location in your opinion?
I wouldn’t say that there is a ‘Best Spotting Location’ but rather all of them are, it is only up to
your preference to choose which location you like the most.

6: Window, Middle or Aisle Seat?
Window seats, especially with wing views, they are the best!
7: Looking back, any tips or advice you would give your younger self?
Start shooting in RAW and use manual mode
8: out Of all your images, which is your fave photo and tell us why?
This photo of 9V-SCJ is definitely one of my favourite and best shots that I have, I really put in
all my effort into this photo, and it definitely will be one of the most memorable ones to edit.

9 :Must have items in your bag while spotting?
A camera, with a lens, battery and SD Card in it, an extra SD Card and battery and most
importantly a powerbank to keep my phone charged for the whole day!
10: If there is one thing that sets you apart from the next spotter, what would it be?
I think its not based on the hobby but rather the people you get to know and meet, to have fun
with, spend weekends with and who knows? Maybe even enjoy a night’s stay at Crowne
together. All in all, the aircraft that we see and spot as photographers are not as important as
the people we get to see and know each and every time we spot as a community.

That's all for this weeks edition of our Spotter Feature. Do head over to Benedict's profile on his Instagram , and stay tuned for next's week interview!