APP is returning with a fresh Monthly Spotter Feature, highlighting aviation fans from Singapore and beyond. The objective and inspiration for this initiative are to foster unity within the community and to illuminate the world we share, aiming to increase awareness about our hobby and offer visibility to all spotters on a local and global scale.
For this months edition, get to know Singapore based aviation photographer Wei Min. I met Wei Min almost 2 years ago during a planespotting session around Changi Airport, and wanted to do a featured spotlight to showcase his series of photos. Do check out his aviation photos on Instagram.

1)A quick self intro, name, where you are from, and what do you do?
Hey there!
My name is Wei Min and I am born and raised in Singapore. I am an Aviation Enthusiast and I love watching planes as they go about their day. One day, I decided to plane spot at the Changi Terminal 1 Viewing Mall. Eventually, I started an Instagram account and started sharing some photos. That Instagram account I created is what is known as 'wm_aviation' today.
2)What sparked your interest in aviation?
Since young, I've been influenced by Aviation as my father worked as a Airside Staff. That was when my love for planes and aviation related stuff started.

3)You Fave Aircraft and Airline....?
My favourite aircraft would be the Boeing 747. Nicknamed 'Queen of The Skies', the B747 is a versatile plane. It can adapt to all weather conditions and can convert into a freighter from a passenger variant. Its four engines, enough to propel ~400,000 lbs across the Pacific Ocean. My favourite airline has to be Singapore Airlines.

4)What gear and software you use?
I started with a 2015 iPhone 6s Plus and am now using a Sony A6300 with a 55-210mm lens. You might ask why my starting photos look great for an iPhone. Well, the truth is because of the editing. I personally use Adobe Lightroom to edit my photos.

5)Best spotting location in your opinion?
My best photos come from Changi Beach and the Airport's Viewing Mall. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you get good CBP (Changi Business Park) weather.
<Insert the photos under this text>
6)Looking back, any tips or advise you would give to new aspiring spotters ?
Looking back at the journey, my advice to young and aspiring spotters is try everything. Be adventurous, don't be afraid to spot alone. Be more active on social media, with the hate comes the love. Eventually, your account will evolve and become more popular.
"Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will"
-A quote by Aiden Wilson Tozer
If you know a spotter you would like us to feature, please leave a comment below with the person's name and social media account name! In the meantime, happy flying and happy spotting!